Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ringing Joyfully at Jo Kelly School: Kakkie Cunningham

Psalm 150: 1-6 (excerpted)
Praise God! Praise him with trumpet sound: praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance: praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals: praise him with loud clashing symbols!

The tradition of the Handbell ministry presenting Christmas music at this special school began many years ago under the leadership of Alice Walker. I remember Alice sweetly telling us about the invitation and explaining how difficult this opportunity might be. A few of us already knew that Jo Kelly School only serves clients from infants to young adults that suffer from multiple and severe handicaps.  But after very little discussion we agreed that we should do this. We could give the gift of music to any soul that might be able to receive it. Thus began the tradition of the handbells ringing joyfully at the school.
Bringing the students into the gym for any program was disruptive to their carefully customized school day. Most did not communicate in any form, but objections to any change could vary from making unpleasant noises or disruptive physical actions, both of which could be very disturbing.  But once the bells began to ring, all were mesmerized and for the most part were quiet until the piece ended, and again they would continue to voice their objections.
One of the older male students who was always particularly alert , would wave his arms while we played. When we stopped, he would show his displeasure by making his own kind of noise… that is until we started the next piece when his attention was once again focused on the music.
After several years, one girl in particular wanted to participate in her own way. Although she was very young when we started this tradition, she was now older and much more cognizant of things around her. One of the aides gave her a jingle bell bracelet and she took great delight in ringing her bells when we rang ours! She continued to add to our tradition for many years.
Blessings are always given and received during this event. Bell participants give willingly of their time to share the gift of music. Those who are able receive the blessing.  Music can truly touch souls.

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