Saturday, October 20, 2018

United Methodist Men: Van Burroughs II

The men of Arlington Heights United Methodist Church loosely organize ourselves into a cohesive group in order to achieve a few certain, and some uncertain tasks. While being a man certainly allows you membership in the group by simply showing up (key point being to show up), being a woman does not necessarily exclude you, as we have had lots of help and participation from some women in the church for various events and fundraisers. But, generally speaking, it’s a group for guy’s that focuses on providing avenues to serve the community, grow ourselves spiritually, and build relationships that provide support, motivation, and challenge us to be better servants of the Lord. We are chartered members of the national United Methodist Men organization, and we sponsor our local Boy Scout Troop (Troop 43, which is fast approaching 100 years old. The 2nd oldest troop in North Texas by last account, and 30 boys strong as of the meeting last week).

All that being said, the core of the group continually tries to find additional avenues for discipleship by periodically starting up new bible studies or devotional groups at different times to try to ensure we have a community available for everyone given the great variety of schedules, demands, and responsibilities we all juggle. Just recently, we started another bible study meeting at Vickery CafĂ© Friday mornings. There’s the long storied men’s prayer breakfast Mondays at Old South Pancake House. Journeymen Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday’s, and there are a small few who participate in a focused bible study of no more than 4 members meeting once or twice a month before church on Sundays.

All of those programs generally take care of themselves, which leaves the majority of the “formal” group of AHUMC Methodist Men to focus on our community service and fundraising. Every year we have the Methodist Men Pancake breakfast headed up by Jack Smith whose proceeds go towards awarding students in our community financial assistance in the coming school year. We also come together twice every year to cook 20+ briskets for our church to help with fundraising for the respective programs (Lord’s Acre, and Lightfoot). Most importantly, however, we meet in these different ways and establish relationships which enable us to grow as Christians, and through each other find the strength and the resources to be the best we can be.

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